Thursday, May 31, 2007

errr. went for dim sum in the morning with grandpa and granny. been a long time dad and mom brought them out. haha. unfilial kids. haw haw.. haha. anyway, the bill came up to be $123.45. LOL. cool.. so i told my dad that we shall eat till its $1234.56 next time. and he was like, "siao ah?!" haha. after brunch, we headed to granny's sis's place. she's been rather lonely these days.. cause her husband died not too long ago. and the both of them treated me real nice when i was young. however, she seemed to have recovered from her husband's death. so yeh. its great. went shopping with mom after that. went to some new place called central. its really new cause the shop, where mom bought her clothes, had just opened 3 days ago.. and of cause, mom feels that her clothes was "worth" buying. then, it was my turn. bought a pair of berms and swimming trunks. haha. my old swimming trunks was practically see-through. it was like some kind of free RA show when i go swimming. so now, NO MORE OBSCENE SWIMMING TRUNKS. lol.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i think life sucks.
well, at least.
mine do.

Monday, May 28, 2007

o's chinese paper today. was quite okay. but i don't think i'll be able to get a2. maybe a b3? sighh.. oh well, its over. and there's a second chance for this paper. so yeh. whew.. prelim english oral was next. we thought there was a 2 hours break. so, we went to vista for lunch. little did we know that oral actually starts a t 1.15pm. so we sort of rushed back to sch. however, we're still late. and vice-principle, foo, scolded us. this is, i think, my third scolding from her. haha. the first was during sec 2. when we were really noisy and she was in a bad mood. anyway, from all her different yet similar in some ways scoldings, i can conclude that, "MISS FOO IS ALWAYS RIGHT"... to herself. *bleh*

Sunday, May 27, 2007

chinese o's tmr. went to teacher white's place for remedial lesson today with grace, joy, peggy, daniel and jianjie. teacher white's home is wonderful. haha. and there was this women who was breastfeeding her child in the study room where all of us were suppose to be studying. so, teacher white did not allow the boys to go into the room. thus, jianjie, daniel and i went to sit on the benches along the swimming pool and played with the water. haha. after remedial, went to have lunch at kfc. my favourite fast-food. but my throat was not feeling that good. and so, i couldn't eat my chicken!! grrr.. then. i went to snip and snap my precious hair. damn! that ssstttooopppiiiddd auntie. -.-

Saturday, May 26, 2007

What Animal Would You Turn Into?
You'd turn into a Snowleopard! Like a snowleopard you are quiet, shy and not seen much and find it hard to talk to people, but dont really mind being by yourself. However once you have gotten over your shyness and are relaxed you are so different it can be scary! You have a few close friends who can grasp your strange ways. You are generally laid back but when you get angry you get angry and can be very vicious and a force to be recond with, though few people ever see this.
Take this quiz!

apparently, i think it's kinda true. hmmm.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

watched the pirates on the very opening day. woohoo! watched with nicholas, grace, daniel, anthea, joy, jianjie, billy, nadeen, felicia and boyfriend; and me. the movie is fucking nice! and of course, keira knightley is so damn hot. but the movie was too long. my ass hurts.. but its still wonderful. for the sake of elizabeth swann, who, by the way, somehow went tanning or something and also, able to kick asses! haha. cool. and i irritated jianjie and joy with all my comments on how hot and pretty keira knightley is.. haha. but c'mon. she IS hot and pretty and... and... and... and... LOL.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

got back the rest of my results.. basically, i failed most of them. sighhh. the only subject i'm proud of is art. ahaha. got A1. yeah! finally, one A. ahaha. i think my life revolves around christ church. i'm bound to retain. but, of cause, i hope not! my parents wants to go to the parents-meeting-seesion. omg! for years, they've always been too busy to attend such useless meetings. somehow, this year, they're not! omg.. i wonder what mrs lim is gonna say to them. sighhh.

and oh. i hate the fact that i'm short. damn it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

wow. blogger is back to normal; finally. anyway. got back my results. sucky. hmm. i passed maths and chinese. but they did not hit my target at all. i was aiming for an A2 for maths. instead, i got a C5. and for chinese, i got B3. i was aiming for A2. only 2 more marks to go!!!! failed chemistry and geog. borderline kind of fail. but luckily, these are combine subjects. hopefully, my other half of these subjects would pull my overall marks up. i hope! sighhhh. feeling so depressed now. since the starting of year 2007 till now, i've been revising maths. and i got a C5. i studied like !@#$ for chemistry. and i got a... wait a mintue. i think i passed chem. oh yeah! i passed. by a pathetic mark of 3. how great! but i still failed geog.

mr loh is so damn disgusting. he was sitting on the table during geog lesson today. and he opened his legs damn wide and he groin was like... YUCK! felicia and daniel saw that first. and they told anthea, joy and i. and we started gossiping abt that. LOL. anthea saw some kind of wet patch on that and told me abt it. and as i was just abt to tell joy abt it, he shouted at me -- the always-nice-and-wonderful me, "i really feel like throwing this at u! don't think i don't know what u're talking abt. u better stop playing a fool!" wth.. -.-

and i've already planned what to study from next week till the end of the june holidays. yes, next week. exams just ended. need some time off. ahaha. now, lets pray that i can finished whatever i've planned to do. AMEN!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

dad's bday today. so mom and i celebarated for him. we went for lunch at rama thai. the food there is above average.. but not exactly the nicest thai food i've ever eaten. hmm. we then headed to vivo. not that many people there. since it was a weekday. mom got a top at tangs. -.- and it was "worth it" for her. LOL. walked around vivo and then, headed to IMM at jurong. well, before that, something unpleasent happened. but since it is unpleasent. forget it. ahaha. at IMM, we went to fish & co for dinner. i ate some kind of salmon thing. and mom and dad shared a HUGE plate of swordfish thing. it was enormous. ahaha. mom paid for eveything today. cause it was dad's bday. so mom decided to be a good wife for once. they're really loving.. awwww. lol. and mom bought me a polo tee. and that made me happy. i'm a simple kid. XP

Monday, May 14, 2007

finally; exams ended. art paper was nice. ahaha. i was colouring my work like some kindergarden kid. and ms sharifah came over and said, "nice. but more tonal value." LOL. hmmm. so.. "anyhow colour" = nice. ahaha. proud of my work. yeah! but i think i might not score this time cause i did not really do my prep work properly. sighh.

watched spiderman 3 with janrez, adriel, pearlyn and julene. william came abit later. yup. i watched spiderman 3 only now. -.-. been busy with exams after exams.. LOL. spiderman 3 is so freaking nice!! but its kind of draggy. so damn long. and green globin is so damn cool. that thing that he uses to fly about... WHOA! he's so much cooler than spiderman.. that red and blue spider freak. LOL.

but he died.
the same way like his dad.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

today is mother's day. hmm.. sumin sent me this msg:

M otivator
O nly love
T rue love
H eartiest
E xceptional
R esponsible

Foward this sms to 10 friends.
Your MOTHER will have a long life...

like why in the world would i wanna waste money on that. i believe my mom would not wanna live that long either. well, thats what I believe. and i know its absoulutely correct. ahaha. okay. i know i'm unfilial. but thats what i say.. but in my heart, i love her. "yeh right."

ms chan asked if we would be giving our mothers any present or stuffs.. and all the boys said no. she was shocked and replied:

"MEN! u know how big ur head is? u know that head come from ur mother's where?!"

ahaha. yup. ms cleophina chan is that comical.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

i'm about to waste 70 bucks on some pieces of cloths that somehow is able for me to wear them. and the worst thing abt it is that i don't even know if they fit. okay. pelyn asked if i wanted any stuffs from hottopic. some internet shopping thing. and i took a precise glance through the apparel. lol. and i think i'm gonna get two. which cost 18 us bucks each. and plus the shipping fee and stuffs, i'm on the edge of being a poor man. yup. MAN. hmph!

tuition was dumb. we talked abt porn this time? and all the dirty stuffs. and ms chan told us everything and ended it of with, "i'm a decent mother of two." yup. "decent". LOL. basically, i wasted two hours of my life in that room. it was fun though. tuition ended. made a short trip to bukit panjang plaza to get some markers and stuffs with yaosheng. ate at mcdonalds then. okay. i might be the last person on earth to know abt this... bukit panjang plaza's mcdonalds have refillable coke!! i get to drink as much as i want to. thats cool! oh.. the popular there, is so damn cool too. its nice. well, at least nicer than the school's toilet. =D

Friday, May 11, 2007

they're hot.
vanessa hudgens.
ashley tisdale.

Ashley Tisdale
"He Said She Said"

Boy walk in the spot he so fresh
He got what he need to impressin'
Just look at the way that he dressin'
Ain't no question chicks like wooo

Girl walkin' the spot she stop traffic
She blowin' your mind with her asset
So Jessica Alba fantastic
Instant classic boys like oooh

B Section:
Maybe I can see us moving like that
Maybe I can see us touching like that
Baby I can see us kissing like that
We don't need no more that he said she said
Maybe I can see us moving like that
Maybe I can see us touching like that
Baby I can see us kissing like that
We don't need no more that he said she said

He said girl ya winning
She said boy where u been at
Stop talking let's get with it
Just like that they
He said you're amazing
She said then why ya waiting
No more deliberating
What u doin' let's get to it
Just like that they

Boy actin' as if there's no pressure
He do anything to get with her
He say anything to convince her
Money spent to diamonds send her

Girl playin' it cool but she's with it
She lovin' the fact that she's gifted
Everything he do she gets lifted
Feels so wicked lovin' like oooh

B Section

One night with you
Boy just one night with you
All the things we could do
Every day I think of
One night with you
No one else but us two
All our dreams would come true
If we'd just get together

B Section

You're gonna like it
You're gonna want it
You're gonna like it
We don't need no more that he said she said
You're gonna like it
You're gonna want it
You're gonna like it
We don't need no more that he said she said

this song kept playing in my head during yesterday's maths paper and today's physics paper. made me think as curve as some flexi-ruler. just couldn't think straight. not the sexual kind of straight. -.- the mental kind. ahaha.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

i'm studying maths now.
sort of.
i dreamt of a freaky old blind man.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

i totally screwed lit today. i forgot to do one thirteen mark question. well, at first, i was pretty confident. cause i had thousand and one stuffs to write. but when i remembered that i forgot to do that question, i was just.. whatever. thana forgot to do the question too! so now, i won't lonely when i get zero. ahaha. opps. LOL.

maths tmr. all i wish for now is that when i wake up tmr and look into the mirror, i'm a calculator.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

chem paper yesterday. screwed.
lit paper tomorrow. screwed.
my life. screwed.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

mrs lim: u're here?! i called ur dad.
me: orh.
mrs lim: where were u? call ur dad to tell him u're in sch. quick!
me: i'm here lah. no need lah.
mrs lim: cannot. call him now!
me: okay okay. *trying to switch on my hp*
me: my hp cannot on.
mrs lim: why?!

mrs lim's turning mad. she said she couldn't see me during assembly. she asked around and then marked me as absent. and when i told her i was studying with my head down and that was why she could not see me, she said, "study somemore lah." -.-

i screwed combine humans. i craped on the geography paper. and for social studies, i could not understand a single word of it. it was like some love letter from mars of something. and so, i crapped again. but i crapped better this time. i added conclusions. ahaha. oh. i forgot all abt my art mid-year. someone please screw my head.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

my study environment:

basically, i study on my bed.
with one small tub of ice cream.
as in the "small" kind.
and one tube of potato chips.
my water bottle.
and of cause.
my pillow.
my notes too.
i'm always found sleeping.

yesterday: -

granny's bday celebration.
the whole family was there. as in the whole family.
all my cousins look different now.
in a better way.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

english paper
composition - i did abt the question abt some dare thing. and my comp was abt my friend dared me to stand on a chair during exams in the examination hall. jianjie said its was stupid. i thought its was quite good. ... ... ... okay. its dumb.
letter - i did the formal format. and i wrote the letter with the sender's address as a sch address and the recipient's address as ALSO the sch address. and i wrote the sch address with a block no. damn. i'm stupid.

chinese paper
composition - abt students made to clean up the sch. i said that the students can bond together when they do stuffs like this together. and also the students will have a sense of belonging to the sch when they do this kind of stuff in school. and again, jianjie said it was dumb. -.-
letter - pretty okay with that. except for the format. i think i did it wrongly. oh god.

the author

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% aisyah
% alicia
% ansen
% anthea
% daliana
% daniel
% felicia
% grace
% janrez
% jianwei
% jianing
% jingsi
% julene
% lihao
% mavis
% melvin
% mingsheng
% myron
% nicholas
% phylisia
% rebecca
% rowena
% sean
% shermaine
% shuxian
% vivien
% william

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long time ago
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty