Saturday, March 15, 2008


Thursday, February 14, 2008

its the lovey lovey VALENTINE'S DAY today. haha. at the store, many people came to do their last minute shopping. how sincere. haha. went to meet rebecca after work and i apparently made her angry. -.- lol. ohohoh. before meeting the princess, i watched a live-action NC16 show: girl was touching boy's chest. boy, somehow, couldn't take it and pushed girl's hands away. boy then started kissing girl passionately. couldn't really see the kissing part but heard the kissing sound... haha. if rebecca wasn't waiting for me, i would have stayed on and start munching on popcorn. and so i left. and saw boy closing his eyes and enjoying that wonderful time of his life. boy had a familiar face. but sadly, didn't managed to see girl's face at all throughout the whole 'exciting' show. sighh. haha.

Monday, January 07, 2008

my eye's swollen like nobody's freaking balls. ouch.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

o's ended like many many weeks ago. but i was quite busy with stuffs la. oh. worked at F.I.T for a week for stock taking. like wth. but the people there were nice. and since it was near the ABC market, managed to eat the famous boneless chicken thing which was sooo famous that i never tried it before. the admin manager, christine, recommended bro's friend, shi wei, and i to olio dome for a job. so on the last day, we headed down to olio dome at shaw house for an interview. the manager was very demanding in a way. she was like, "xmas eve, xmas, new year's eve, new year, cny 3rd, 4th, 5th can work? cannot, i don't take u." -.- so must say yes right? but now, it doesn't really matter. cause i've settled down for another job at burberry at taka. fardina recommended me. went down with phylisia for an interview and soon, i found myself at the back store helping out. doing stocks again!!! but the asst. manager said that next week, we'll be outside. cause new stocks are coming in this week. and next week, we'll have to stand the whole day. want to sit also cannot. so now, in the back store, must sit for all i can. hee.

working later!!!! better go get ready. haha. *its quite fun actually* Xp

Friday, August 24, 2007

it's been long. so here i am, sitting on my bed with my mommy's laptop. okay. so i've been studying pretty hard lately. studying is not so bad, actually. but of cause, not studying is best. duh. been seeing the young sajc couple for a few times alr. one day, i went to the library to study alone first. haha. alone. while waiting for ain's grand arrival. then i saw the boyfriend waiting for the girlfriend outside. he cannot stand still. he kept walking back and forth. he wore glasses that day. haha. looked funny. and then the next time i saw them was in the library. the girlfriend was there! weehoo! lol. okay. and i saw them again today. i saw the boyfriend first (again) in the toilet. he was like playing in the toilet or something and when i went in to pee, he quickly look normal and then his phone rang, girlfriend called. haha. then after like abt 1hr, when i went to the toilet again, haha. yes, i love to pee. lol. i walked passed them and i saw the girlfriend. haha. weehoo times two! lol. so that's it! my meetings with the acjc couple. =]

Monday, July 16, 2007

been studying at the library for quite a period of time recently. and erm. its quite a conducive place to study. but not definately a wonderful place to memorize things. it has too many rules! anyway, there are some people there who left an impression on me:

ah beng.
its very weird to actually see an ah beng studying in the library. so its quite cool, actually. haha. the funny thing is that when his phone rang, he picked it up and all the vulgarities start coming out. and then, his friend came to join him. and the friend said, "study for what?! don't study la." and mr ah beng mumbled something. his friend then said, "okay la. u study untill seven thirty. then we go eat." haha.

library auntie.
lol. she looked so much lije those carpark auntie that give sumons when the cars are parked at "no parking" lots. and this auntie, does exactly the same thing. cept that, instead of sumon-ing cars, she gives sumons to people who left their belongings at the library to go for lunch, etc. and the sumon's in green. lol. very cool. people should go to the library and see her for themselves. she's just so damn funny. walking around with the walkie talkie. haha. damn cute.

young couple.
seen them almost every time i go to the library. once, while studying with peggy, i saw them holding their hands while studying. and peggy was like, "get a life la. how to study like that!" haha. very loving indeed. after seeing them for quite some time, i started to wonder... is there no place in s'pore to date? of all places, the library? gosh. this is lame but i think its quite cool. because i see them everytime i go there. oh. the girl's pretty. but fardina and peggy think otherwise. fardina says the guy is 'cute'. but when we walked towards him and he looked up at us, she began to think otherwise. because when he looked up, he gave a super doper funny expression: with eyes open damn big and his mouth, equally wide.

one really have to experience these themselves. only then, it'll be funny. i didn't know the library was full of different people. i think they're funny, they might think i'm weird. who knows?!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Katharine Mcphee
"Love Story"

the author

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% phylisia
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% shermaine
% shuxian
% vivien
% william

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long time ago
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
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July 2007
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February 2008
March 2008

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty